Turret Escape Differential Game
A. Von Moll, Z. Fuchs, D. Shishika, D. Maity, M. Dorothy, M. Pachter
Published in Journal of Dynamics and Games, 2023
In this paper, a zero-sum differential game is formulated and solved in which a mobile Evader seeks to escape from within a circle at whose origin lies a stationary, turn-constrained Turret. The scenario is a variant of the famous Lady in the Lake game in which the shore-constrained Pursuer has been replaced with the Turret. As in the former, it is assumed that the Turret's maximum angular rate is greater than the linear velocity of the Evader. Since two outcomes are possible, a Game of Kind arises - either the Evader wins by reaching the perimeter of the circle, or the Turret wins by aligning with the latter's position. A barrier surface partitions the state space into two regions corresponding to these two outcomes and a Game of Degree is solved within each region. The solutions to the Games of Degree are comprised of the Value functions (i.e., the equilibrium value of the cost/utility as a function of the state) and the saddle-point equilibrium control policies for the two players. Like the Lady in the Lake game, the equilibrium policy of the Evader is not uniquely de ned where it has angular rate advantage over the Turret. Unlike the Lady in the Lake game, the losing region for the Evader is present for all speed ratios, and there is an additional semi-permeable surface separating center- and shore-bound Evader trajectories. The solution depends heavily upon the speed ratio of the agents; in particular, there are two speed ratio regimes with distinctive solution structures.
DOI: 10.3934/jdg.2023012